Sunday, October 10, 2010

Lady Gaga. Fashion Icon?

Hey you guys! Sorry it's taken me so long to update, but I kept ditching draft after draft because my writing seemed a little girly and fluffy. You know...the opposite of my constant f-bomb dropping. This fluffiness is due to the fact that I've been dating this awesome guy who cooks for me and gives great back rubs, so the edge is temporarily gone from my writing while I wallow in glow-y, gushy, happy sauce. I'm sure it'll be back once the mid-term elections hit in November. Patience, my lovelies. Patience.

Anyway, there's a been an ongoing debate about Lady Gaga being a fashion icon and it cracks me up when people get so passionate about why she isn't. I'm not sure what the big deal is. This same conversation was floated about Britney Spears...and a fashion plate she ain't, honey!
I think Lady Gaga is a performance artist but more than that, I think she is a fashion anarchist. She uses clothes and costumes to make a statement about the absurdity of the bullshit we accept without question.

A classic Berkin bag costs about $17,000. There are some very wealthy people (and some not so wealthy people) on waiting lists for certain styles of Berkin bags. The bag means you've 'arrived'. Gaga drove spikes through it. It's as if she's saying "Fuck you rich bitches, this bag ain't shit!"

She pissed off polite British society when she met the Queen wearing a red latex 'Queen of Hearts' getup.

She made fun of Larry King's trademark suspenders.

The meat dress was admittedly pure theatrics and seriously gross. But the question I have for the vegan celebrities who scoffed is this: Did you ride to the awards ceremony in a limo with leather seats? If so, shut the fuck up. Just because the dead cow hide is pretty doesn't make it less dead.

Lady Gaga has a brilliant eye for items that will create stunning imagery. She also seems to love fashion and the spectacle of couture. Fashion Icon? Sure. Why not?

Until next time, keep it cute!

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