Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Standards of Beauty or S.O.B.

Hello my lovelies...
Whenever you see irate Wonder Woman, you'll know I'm a little annoyed. Yes, yes, I know she's built kinda like Barbie with a side of Xena the Warrior Princess but her eyes show the white hot fury of a thousand suns, so she serves my purpose.
Recently, I ran across a website comparing Sarah Jessica Parker's face to the face of an actual HORSE. Yes. A freakin' animal! I was appalled.
I have no idea what the owner of that website looks like but I like to think their face resembles saggy monkey balls.  Stupid asshat.
How do you know when western standards of beauty are bullshit? WHEN EVEN CUTE WHITE GIRLS CAN'T ATTAIN THEM!  
This mentality is incredibly damaging to young girls of all races...Gabby Sidibe has had to listen to people say she'll never work again simply because of her weight (this in an age when Snookie and The Situation have a tv show? WTF!?) and Heidi Montag has surgically changed her entire appearance just to be accepted by people she doesn't even know. 
Every time I look in the mirror I see my mother's face. I can't imagine the kind of self-hatred it would take for me to cut it away.
Just for you, my lovelies~
Top 3 Ways to Identify Asshats:
#3 Asshat Indicator
Women who see other attractive women and then roll their eyes and call them a bitch under their breath.
#2 Asshat Indicator
Men and women who think curvy women like Kim Kardashian are fat and need to drop a few.
#1 Asshat Indicator
Men who encourage their women to have plastic surgery to fit some ridiculous beauty ideal.
Okay, random question... why are all the Black women on America's Next Top Model enforcing EVERY NEGATIVE stereotype ever invented about Black women? Really Tyra? Really?
Of course, on a positive note, a couple of them look like they've been dipped in chocolate!

This damn dress drives me insane! 
It's like goth, rock & roll fairy godmother out on the town. I heart it. 
Okay, now that I've ranted all night, I feel much better now. I think raging Wonder Woman may be dragged back to her cage soon.  I can hear the sirens in the distance...
Until next time, keep it cute!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Life is short. Buy the shoes.

Being fashionable is as much about attitude as it is about what you wear. That's why this won't be your typical "What to Wear" blog with pictures of celebrities in cool clothes. (Well...there will be some of that, I'll admit.) This blog will be a bit rougher around the edges and the focus will be clothes, life and love...because for some people, those three elements are interwoven. There are a lot of places to drop lots of money on amazing clothes and shoes, but there are also tons of places to get great deals and still look chic. We'll discuss both ends of that spectrum. But first, my lovelies, a few fashion ground rules:

Rule #1: You don't have to wear expensive labels to look good. People who make you feel bad about not being a label whore can eat a bowl of dicks. Yeah, I said it. What? Fashion has never been about money and anyone who thinks it is, clearly lacks vision and creativity. 
Rule #2: The old rules don't always apply. Women shouldn't automatically cut their hair shorter as they get older and people of every age and size can be fashionable.
Rule #3: Know your body type. Hourglass, Pear, Slender, Athletic. Learn it. Live it. Love it.
Rule #4: Your shoes should fit properly. Seriously. When you get old, you don't wanna have to wear orthopedic shoes or have surgery to shave down your bunions, do you? 
Rule #5: Invest in sexy least for special occasions. I'm telling you, it's like buying lacy little scraps of Kryptonite. Buy the draws, girls. It's a win-win. A while back, I bought this lovely little teddy from Victoria's Secret just to have a little fun with my guy. I showed up at his place wearing only the teddy, a coat and some epically high heels. The man couldn't form a coherent sentence for at least half an hour! The power I felt was a little embarrassing, but I always use my power for good and not evil. Usually. Don't judge me.

Rule #6: Anyone who tries to make you feel bad about caring about fashion and wanting to look good can SUCK IT.
The way you choose to present yourself is a personal choice and a reflection of how you feel about yourself. If someone says or does something to make you feel like crap, then that's a reflection of how 
they feel about themselves.
Now, let's start the fashion talk with shoes...
Knock-offs are your friend! (Not counterfeits! Totally different animal.) They are getting better and better in quality and the good ones are available all over the place. You just gotta know where to look...
The shoes below are Christian Louboutin lace booties and they cost $1,782. I'm not kidding. That's more than a lot of people's monthly mortgage payment. If you can roll like that, then more power to you. Do your thing, girl. For those of us who can't...

I bought the Kate Preston lace booties below for just $64 at Off Broadway Shoes here in LA. 
They look exactly the same as the Louboutins with the exception of the signature red bottom the Louboutins are famous for.
Um...yeah, I couldn't believe it either!
Of course, I always love a good booty...

Aldo patent leather open-toe booty. Less than $70.

BCBG red leather booty with pleat detail. Purchased at Off Broadway as well. Less than $60.
CHIC OF THE WEEK: Michelle Obama

Accessible style and effortless chic make Michelle Obama the perfect choice for my first Chic of the Week selection. If you have a suggestion for Chic of the Week, please let me know! It doesn't have to be a celebrity. It can be a person you see on the street who looks great. It can be you. Hit me up!
Until then, my lovelies...keep it cute.